Thursday, December 7, 2023

DONT call it a dream ..... call it a plan ..

 DON'T call it a dream ... call it a plan .. 

Its been quite a while since someone has asked me what I want to do when I grow up... 

and I believe there are times in our lives... where something is RIGHT THERE and we dont see it ... 

People ask us when we're young ... "What do you want to be when you grow up?"   Frankly, I honestly didn't even have the slightest idea at all.  Some people experience things early in their lives, or are truly inspired by an event or experience .. or just have a "calling" or a nagging that may have started at birth or in their early years.  But, then there are people kinda like me ... that may have gotten caught up in life, trying to do the "normal" things... school, college, work, marriage, family.. and then later, even at my age finally realize what they have been called to do in this life.  Despite a very basic upbringing,  I have been very blessed to experience a very beautiful life.. with a great Husband and marriage, a beautiful Daughter and have been quite privileged life of travel and wonderful experiences.  Through all of this ...I never had a real career or even thought of one ... just worked to pay bills and contribute.   I feel like Ive finally realized what God has called me to do.  This world has changed so much in these 63 years ... and we dont take the time to realize what we as humans are doing to our world and ourselves just through our basic everyday lives.  Our basic routines of cleaning, bathing, maintaining ourselves and our households with products and chemicals that basically are slowly destroying us... kinda from the inside out.  Even medicines, medical treatments and procedures seem to only look at the symptoms and never get even close to the root of the issue.  Thus, with these experiences, they only keep us enslaved to constantly paying and contributing to these professions that just keep us coming back for more appointments instead of actually repairing or healing or even having the slightest clue ... what could be wrong.   Ive seen many folks constantly heading to appointments .. renewing medications... and treatments as it actually gives them something to do ..  but don't seem to be getting healed.  Not all ... but it seems most.  I saw it in my own parents... where doctors visits were just part of their everyday living.  This is a very sad state of affairs.  I have been extremely blessed not to have had to be in the group of having to visit doctors monthly like alot my age .. but in the last six months had to deal with a torn rotator cuff and a couple of pinched nerves.  I unfortunately had to spend a few days in the hospital for dehydration and these issues ... as I honestly and am ashamed to admit, but didnt realize these issues were going on with my own body.  Recently having to go through all of that ... tests upon tests ...  only to wait for even more appointments ... and honestly no one seems to have any answers at all  of any kind and am still dealing with numbness.... I am happy to report that doing my research, reading and praying... I have been returned to a natural and healthy regime that I feel is serving me very well.  I know and feel in my heart that getting back to natural, clean and healthy ... is what people ... need to realize will serve them best.  So if you havppen to be going through some difficult issues in different ways in your life... I believe if you get back to clean and natural you wont regret it ... and in fact it really may   surprise you in ways you couldn't imagine ...   Let me know what you think??? Drop me a comment or message... looking forward to it ...

Aloha & A Hui Hou!!!


Monday, November 27, 2023

So you want to be a writer...... ???

So you want to be a Christian writer???  Yes... I do ... but how does that actually work ??? How do you actually become a Christian writer??????  Is there a "key" a rule book, guidelines, something to actually go by??? Its been a bit since I have written/blogged anything in fact,  I have been blogging on and off for the last 5-7 years but unfortunately not consistently.  CONSISTENCE is a key to many things throughout life.  Although, it sounds like it should be easy... it IS NOT ... especially for someone who has dabbled in so many different and creative things throughout life.  Consistency .. like I mentioned is the "key" to many things in life.  Whether it be fitness, health, creativity..  just about anything you can think of ... BUT also it is something you can "come back to"  throughout ones life... just dont plan on it being successful in the world's eyes.  The main thing I enjoy is the creativity .... the uniqueness of things .. the fact that its your own thoughts being recorded and remembered ... even if it is only remembered by your own self.  I truly believe that writing is just as creative as drawing, painting and most all of the creative avenues in this life... and I am enjoying alot of them ... I give all my gratitude and thanks to the Lord for giving me these creative avenues to express myself..  During this time in my life .... just moving to a new city with new surroundings and trying to find a new "niche" to earn a decent income ... I have been experience some not so exciting hurdles...that I know in my heart the Good Lord is remedying as we speak.  So along with exploring new reads, studies... and emersing myself in God's Word and deep prayer.  

Aloha & A Hui Hou ... 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Like I Say … It’s Just what I think …

 We need to completely TRUST IN THE LORD ALWAYS … through everything 

It’s Just What I think … ALWAYS