Each day we are given a new start.. and as the new year begins.. we really can start new.. almost like a clean slate.. but now we have gained more knowledge, wisdom and insight.. that will hopefully direct us for our future .. I pray everyday for guidance and direction... to make the best choices, be a good role model of a Woman, Wife and Mother.. as in the past ..I have always fell short ..
I have learned through recent years that if I don't take care of myself.. then I wont be any good for anyone else.. so THIS YEAR 2014... I plan on workin on ME.. "Creating my life from the inside out.." I'm planning on being the BEST I can be..
As I know God has given us all a purpose..
And I plan on finding mine..
"Its just what I think..."
Aloha & A Hui Hou!!! Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!!!